Tuesday, August 26, 2008


My little sister Kayla was a petite 4 year old with curly blond hair. So small in fact that I could easily carry her around being just 2 years her senior. Kayla loved to be the center of attention and it always shined through in our home videos. There is a video of Kayla screaming "MOM! MOM!" while my mom is taping on of our legendary backyard bonfires. The fires were legendary since the neighborhood never knew if it was a bonfire or the house on fire! This is quite a feet since we lived 20 minutes into the countryside in rural northern Michigan. Sometimes the smoke would be so thick that my grandmother would come up from her farm 3 miles away to make sure nothing was burning down! When the camera finally focuses on her she politely says "This is how you eat a hot dog" and proceeds to take 3 bites in 5 seconds and the hot dog disappears. She grins with the satisfaction that she got the whole thing in her mouth. What is more amazing is that she manages to chew and swallow it in the next 10 seconds! Every time I go to roast a hot dog over the camp fire I think of her and chuckle wondering if she still has that hidden talent!

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